

Jess Basson is a South African living in Colorado, USA. She wears many hats – writer, mother, speaker, wife, preacher, Swiftie.

Jess wears these hats on her ADHD head, but in all things she has one mission in mind: 

to share life-transforming ideas that bring freedom.

With twenty years of experience, Jess is an international speaker and preacher. She talks with humour, passion and humility. She has a great accent so she sounds more interesting than she probably is, and she also talks with her hands.

Despite her love for wordsmithery, Jess has a unique gift for creating contemplative spaces for reflection and spiritual growth. She has crafted many immersive experiences and runs retreats focused on nature, spiritual healing, and belly laughs. Retreats and workshops are the only type of “running” she does. She loves Jesus, hates oppression, and is mid on Chick-Fil-A.

Jess has authored two books, holds a Bachelor of Commerce in Marketing and Management, and a Master of Arts in Vocational Studies. She also made two really wild, brilliant boys with her husband, Tom.

Jess loves snowboarding, thrifting, reading and procrasti-napping.
You should chat with her.